LFF diary page book13 img_15752.jpg

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The boots will arrive in about a fortnight I expect. Can't you sent 11lbs for 2|- not 7? I thought it was 3cite??? lbs for it. Tels??? for of 6 and 11lbs for 2|- But it may be 7 els for R31|51 which is upsetting me.

I am having the Tea Parties by installments I am getting in. There are only about 12 more to come now. Four of them "straffed the last cative??? of me sent alright Mother!"

You will have seen from my letters that that letter to the "Fenies"??? which you endorse this week was quite correct! and that several people have lost their jobs over it!

Thank you very much indeed for the ??? pound symbol ??? 25 Father. I don't really feel quite happy about taking so much from home as I know everything at home is very dear and that "there is a war on". I should be glad if you will let me have two copies of your cheque signature Father as I have told Cox's at Pindi to take your signature on my a|e.??? Should we ever go "a Penia" that will make things more easy for you I think. Though- as I told Cox's when I wrote to them about it - it is not likely that we shall go on Service, or it doesn't seem so. I am not over keen on going to the Guld on my own but I should Jolly well like to go with the Battalion.


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