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"The Attack"

I was going to win easily as we seemed 3 goals in quick succession in the first half. But "The defence" got through once in the first halg & twice in the 2nd. Chiefly because the C.O was not great as a goal keeper. He couldn't stop anything. Still it was very sporting of him to turn out & I think the result, a draw 3-3 was the best we could have.

Wednesday July 24

We couldn't fire to day as the Pionies??? Sergt had run out of cardboard & so could not make any targets for Practice 19.

Thursday July 25

D. Coy?? left for Attack this morning & qw commenced Classification to-day which was unfortunate as the "Thick Night" last night did not improve the men's shooting to-day.

No Butt officer arrived so I went into the Butt's myself, which strictly is of course agst regulations.

We finished on the Range about 3/30 & I up to Tea at the G.D. Mess, & wrote my mail after it Consequently I did not have overmuch time and "the Diary" had to suffer.


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