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July 10th 1916.

My dear Mother + Father.

Thank you very much for your letter of June 14th Mother. It arrived on Friday.

I am so glad to hear that Arrher??? Parham has got the M.C> I suppose I ought to write and congratulate him shouldn't I?

You will have heard all about the draft. There is an enquiry about it at Raw at Pindi this week. They have made the "board" do the journey - which is a good thing. I was talking to one of our Sergts. who went home for a Commission some time ago, reveled at his own request + has no Come out here again. He has not many good words to say for the requiments??? at home. He says he vohentlent??? for the draft to get out of England, he was so fed u pwith the battallion he was in! He also said that 15% of the draft are physically unfit for active service + he puts the casualties on the Lian??? down to that.

I've had another bearer now Mother! I think I am settling down again at last. Azui Khan simply announced his intention of


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