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mail waiting for us.

At Tiftin??? we met the "Draft officers". There are four of them, by name - Fox, Harris Scott and Cogswell. The latter is a man of about 40 + came out as a Captain. He is bored at having had to drop to 2 | Lieut. again! I haven't seen him yet as he is at G.O.??? with Au??? Cry.??? Scott is with "B" Fox + Harris "C". They all seem very decent fellows.

Despite what Simile says the journey up seems to have been badly mismanaged. They had a train with no faus, the roop???, notice + 3 medics who were fresh out from home! The worst feature of the whole thing is that if they had sent them up from Bombay instead of Karachi they would not have had it nearly as hot. It would have cost more to have done that! G. ofI again!

They are now shutting the stable door + have issued orders that in future if troops have to cross the Sand Desert in the hot weather they shall all have 2nd class Caraiges + if no seconds are available there shall only be 4 in each 3rd class carraige which is 1/3rd the usual number. The CO is apparently very hot about it +says someone ought to be shot. I agree. I am quite sure that had I been senior officer on the train I should have refused to have taken over a tin roofed train.

They came from Pridi to Summybank??? in Motor Lorries.


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