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Ode to the "Parrot".. (Lieut. J.N. Lamont).

You are old, Father Lamont, the subaltern wailed,

Though in years you're no greater than I,

Yet to cheat you your bearer has signally failed,

What makes you so awfully fly?

In the fat days of peace, said the sage to the youth,

I collected the dibs for my clan

And chasing the bawbees, to tell you the truth,

Has made me a gey carfu' man.

You are old, said the youth, as I mentioned before

and your nose has become like a beak

Yet you fly to your perch on the top of the door

In a manner that's perfectly "chic".

In the days of my youth, was the ancient's reply,

I was only an average mortal

But now I'm a god and my station's so high

That I'm bound to sit over the portal.

You are old, said the lad, yet you stuff your old crop

With maund upon maund of mixed biscuit

Which your gizzard will certainly damage and stop

I wonder you're anxious to risk it!

Do you think it's my job to sit here and talk rot,

said the godling, from midnight to noon?

In my worshipper's language, "Chelo'" you young sot,

Hut ??? sir, and drill your platoon!


W.P. Hewett.


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