LFF diary page book12 img_15686.jpg

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qas quite a good bargain as a Imga??? costs RS 100 from Srenaga??? and takes a nother day on the road which means atleast another RS.10. Added to that there was the chance of getting the Ekke??? for the Luggage cheaper now than comming??? up. The only thing left unarranged for was the tuire??? the car was to leave Barauuitha??? on the 28th which the notor??? man undertook to let us know.

This morning he turned up + said that the man who had booked the seat now wanted to go on the 3rd of July instead Consequently they would have to turn the car specially for us + would therefore have to charge RS.175. In addition to this he had the sauce to say that there would be a fourth passenger V12 the Motanuid??? Durbars soon, but as he was the M.D's son they had to take him free. So it practically came to this that they woured??? us to pay his passage! It was seriously a "try on" but it was only after a very heated 1/4hr reave??? plain speaking that we got him down to sevei??? + RS124. Thouelve??? we start at 7.0 tomorrow.

Wednesday June 28th..

We were up early this morning and were just beginning to strafe the car for not being punctual when at about 6.55 it turned up. They had had a puncture on the road last night + returned to Srinagar. By 7.15 all our kit was on board + we set out. I think


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