LFF diary page book12 img_15616.jpg

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Saturday April 15th 1916

reveille at H.O. again is day. We got moving at 7.0. The road was narle more dusty and we were rather worried by a suscesion of 10 motor homes of the Mechanical Transport which passed us at 5 minute intervals soon after we got started we rose about 200 feet yesterday Today we averaged 200 feet per mile. We had our hay way hell in a garden apparently kept up by Government, probably a Forest Reserve. As the men were strictly forbidden to pick up any fruit under pain of being lined out it was at once dubbed "The Garden of Eden".

Our camping ground- The - was a very pretty stop facing the foot hills, about 300 ft up. We nursed at the Dar. Burgalow though we were of course little in Tents.

It was cool tonight. though still hot enough to need only me blanket even under canvas.

Sunday April 16th 1916

Reveille at H.O. were more. We were officially timed to move at 6:30 the transport got ready early so we actually got going by 6:20. The road today was quite a change as it really did go up. The average was 300feet- per mile which is 1 in 7 1/2 The sucessive miles


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