LFF diary page book12 img_15603.jpg

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kd. just about 300 ifds??? from camp the coluomn made another of its numerous halt and are Quam's Gun was called back to go into Detim, as there was no one within range who was in any way my o.C I decided to carry on into Camp +did so getting there about 1/30 The Baetalim wandered in at odd times in bits as each picquet gets straight in as it is withaream???.

I cllected a nice job from en??? tole???. - Water Picquet officer. All the water for the camp comes from a spring which was about 1/2 mile away. There were only two pipes by which it was possible to get it and 500 troops drawing water from 2 pipes there was not unatingally??? slight congestion. Hence probably the provision of an officer in addition to the picquet + the two Military Policemen. Until about 4/45 the Police coped with it quite nicely + I had nothing to do but watch. But then I had to step in and did not step out until about 7.30 as the gentleman who was to have relieved me did not arrive and it was from 5/30 to 7/0 that the traffic was at its height and nuidid??? a cart rolling hand. Thaveve??? I relieved myself in time for Mess + reported the unknown Gentleman to Beach who was Field officer of the Day to the Brigade.

After Mess I departed to my "valise" and slept the sleep of the just until 5.0 the next morning. It is a curious thing that one rarely sleeps well the first night in a strange camp, but I'm quite sure I made up for it tonight.


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