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doing what might be called the Donkey Work of Indirect Fire, i.e. showing how Direction & Elevation are obtained. It took rather a long time & I only just had time to show how it was done by Gralicules??? as well.

One of the mules we sent to the Cork??? M.C. yesterday came back to us about 10/0 ??? last night - so we had to take the poor thing back again this morning. It really was rather pathetic. The Mule Corps man said he couldn't quite see why we had returned them as they were good mules in very good condition!

Saturday Feb 12

Did "Abandon Guns" this morning and then went across the open & came into action from the Simulating??? Infantry formation.

Had another exciting note this afternoon. "The G.O.C. Brigade wishes to see the M.G. on Tuesday at 10.0 am on the range with the North Straffords". What a life! Still we can but do our beetle??? best. I shall see if we can get off Church Parade tomorrow so as to get in a general clean up which we can't manage otherwise.


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