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Friday Feb 11

We got in the first real Field Work that we have done at all, to-day. The Section showed up very much better than I had expected. We also had a rehearsal for tomorrow on our own.

Went for a ride with Percevell at 3??? & succeeded in finding Topi Park. It is a great place from the Riding Point of view as there is a soft ride which isn't straight as most soft rides are.

We got back about 5/0. & then DEA.???

Most companies went out on Night ops @ 5/30 but I thought the Guns had been working hard enough lately so didn't take them out.

The air was purple in Mess tonight. We have got orders to Demobilise ! - !!!! * It would take the rest of the page to put down all I said when I heard it. We relieved the situation by watching how different people took it as they came in to Mess. The order has come direct from the war office that we are not to go to the P.G. but that the 1/4 Dorsets are to go instead. It is curious that Lord Chelmsford (the viceroy to be) is a captain in the battalion! And that's what fees us up more than anything. My bank balance will look sorry for itself because we shan't get our L20 advance if??? pay & I have spent about that on F.S. Kit we have had to get 40 lb tents among other things


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