LFF diary page book11 img_14987.jpg

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follow with 2 bullock carts & the luggage.

It was some ride! The car was a fairly new 12/15 F.I.A.T. four seater - the same make as M. Brain??? has or had & we moved. It is 32 miles to Pachmarhi & the last 14 miles are all uphill. We took exactly 2 hours. We started off by nearly annihilating a bullock. After that we repeatedly had to slow up to avoid running into bullock cars & usually we had no time to spare in doing so. The driver knew every inch of the road & took us along a a speed that would have been impossible otherwise. After an hour swift travelling over flat and practically straight roads we reached the halfway house 18 miles from Pipariya. Then the climb began. There were any amount of corners several of them S corners, big esses, sharp esses, some we could take at full speed & some we had to come down to a walk for. Much of this second portion we had to do in second & once or twice we had to come down to first. Then at about 12.20 we got to the top & had a very fast run along about 2 miles of straight road. We reached the Hotel at 12/30 & had to wake the proprietor.

Very soon after one we were both in bed and asleep quite glad to be under a blanket.


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