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Thur Aug 5.] deserve to - 3.0. if we only play every match as we played tonight we shall give several teams furiously to think. Even no.8. would not have done more than draw I think.

Fri Aug 6. 89 German Missionaries are are now intemed??? in Dinapore. We don't ahve to guard them fortunately. The I.P. are doing the job. This gives us another civilian in Dinapore now as there is a white Policeman & chap called Morrim???, & a jolly good Tennis Player. Watched Hockey tonight instead of playing. Saw No.3. beaten by No.4. 1-0. A draw wd. [Fri. Aug 6. have represented the play. We had an argument with Shenvood??? to.day on various subjects in the course of it Johnson remarked to me. "If it's any satisfaction to you to know it, the general opinion of the men who come under your control is that you know what you want to do & why you want to do it. I remember once I was out with you for some reason or other (Johnson was in No.3. sec.) & you did something & the word went round "That's cute isn't it?" Well it certainly is some satisfaction to get an opinion like that from a man like Johnson.


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