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190 Wed. Apr. 14] Slacked in Aft. Plumers??? in Eve.

Thur. Apr. 15. Had a European morning. Spent about an hour over P.R.I work in Heweits office. Slept. Wrote. Had a game of Tennis with Williamson.

Fri. Apr. 16. Parades??? as usual. Played Tennis in aft. with Samuel Th'and??? and Mrs. Hewlett. de vasian and Higgins both went down ??? today. vesian groffy??? knee - Higgins ???. Consequently only 8 in Mess???.

Sat. Apr 17 Parades??? as usual. Lionel M were the only officer as the Sgt. Maj. Parade.

'19 [Sat. Apr. 17 Sent out some C.S.M.s notices in Eve and then strolled away and watched some Hockey. 2 Bri.??? Teams Probable v Possible son- of thing. Then club.

Sun. Apr 18 Ch.Parade$ as usual. Company of 14! Slacked and read the rest of the day. Evening at 6.30. then club. and a visit li??? the sick (vesian and Higgins) we are allowed to mess in multi??? on Sunday Evenings now which is welcome.

Mon. Apr. 19 Had to sit on a badly Statine??? Board this morning to decide how the Devons had lot ??? blankets. They were lost between Nov. 15 and Dec. 16 so


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