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160 Mon Mar 15 Parade at 6.30 for Field Firing. i.e. the people who come out on Sat. I had to go out with "A" Co Casuals. We did the same practices as the rest did on Fri. & Sat last week. My sec. did quite fairly well, better in the second than in the first.

Parade in the afternoon was Semaphore.

Lamont had a Rugger Pill??? out in the eve which we kicked about with vigour for about an hour. Then it was time to cool before changing. Tues Mar 16. Parade at 6.30 -- whole Ba. this time for more field firing. We went out to a mullah & there "A" Corp stuck till about 10.30 while "C" & "G" fired. While we waited Beach taught me Picquet.

When we did get a move on we advanced to a ridge & found four targets thus. ????? SKETCH ?????? Beach I think rightly, though the C.O. rather disagreed, decided to ignore No. 3 & concentrate on the rest. I was with No. 4. We got the ????? exactly. I had no 3 sec, which has the best shots in it -- & yet no hits. We found when we got there that the target was oblique to our line of fire -- which reduced its size


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