LFF diary page book07 img_4499.jpg

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Wed. Dec 9.

Physical Training Parade at 7.0 today Dismissed at 7.45.

Parade at 9.0 again. As a matter of fact owing??? to an inspection of the Barrack Room by Maj. Hewitt the Drill Parade did not begin until nearly 9.30. We had some more N.C.O voice exercise - as yesterday - for an hour or so. & then we carried on with musketing??? Instruction Some of the N.C.O's need instruction themselves!

After Lunch I got loaded with 3 sets of visiting cards by the PMC??? I was told to call on the 3 people & leave cards for the offices & the C.O. I didn't exactly relish the job. I pushed the pushed the Pay Parade on to Hickling??? & started. ( The men won't know themselves with 2 pay parades in tow days.) I wandered round & round the place but could not find the 3 worker??? people. So I gave it up & went to the Mess for Tea. I asked Morwell??? in the Evening where they lived. He told me out???. The others apparently reside at Bankipeer???!

We had the band at mess tonight, to the great delight of the natives - & others - in the vicinity. natives are very fond of a band!

Thurs. Dec. 10

No work in India on Thursday so I did not get up till 7.45.

Cry?? Sports meeting at 10.0. Then I visited the Bazar???. Got back soon after 11.0. I wrote till Lunch time.

Went to the 30 yds Roupe??? in the aft with Beach & Hickling???. I had 10 shots with Hickling .320 weekly??? at 15 yds. I got only 3 in a target 1' x 9"


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