LFF diary page book07 img_4454.jpg

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90 Fri. Nov. 6. time. It will give so much unnecessary suffering to so many & among them Mater 7 Pater. There is one thing. They should get my first letter tomorrow. Went to bed very soon after dinner as we had done such a tremendous amount of walking to-day. Sat. Nov 7. Raining hard. Had a parade at 10.0 to choose 40 men to go ashore. Then about 11.0 went ashore myself. Got a few more things & waited & got back by 1.0. Then settled down to write home. Finished writing after tea. Read on deck after dinner. About 8.30 a party of 200 stokers? came over from the Bacchante to coal us. They began about 9.30. They rigged up gangways to the bunkers which took quite a time. The officer 1/C said it was a worse job "rigging" our ship than rigging a battleship. They carry the coal in baskets. They asked for a band so our band & the Breckenw??? timed out & played for them until 11.0. As the noise was subsiding about 12.0 I went to bed. Thompson is acting as Qr Mr on this trip. The other day oneof the orderlies objected to some meat which he issued to them (he was a Brecknock?). It was really quite well done but the man objected that it was underdone so Tommy ordered the cook & put it back in the oven for 1/2 an hour. The cook could safely


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