LFF diary page book07 img_4417.jpg

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Scanned image of page book07 img_4417.jpg

24 Fri. Oct 2. Orders last night changed the Routine Thurs:- '???DIAGRAM???' Companies will march out independently to their training areas! We took the Short Cut +??? sent out an advanced guard and an NCO +6??? new to ambush it, but they did not succeed. We did a long attack from the Brick works near Teynham Station to "Haystacks Hill" It was quite fair. No NCOs lecture in eve.

25 Sat. Oct. 3. Beech was on a Court Martial to.day so I had the Coy.??? to myself I did the old attack from Clekes Cl. to Haystack Hill. Just as we was??? closing after it, up rode the Brigadier + Bigade Major. The Brigadier wanted to know what we were doing + then started to put nutty problems about aeroplanes. Of course my solution was different from his, but that did not seem to displease him He was not exactly struck with our??? progranime??? though. He thought it too notations???. 12 new subs gazetted to us today I think 4 are coming down here??? = of them one, Hickling is coming to 'A' Coy. I wonder what he will be like? Beech thinks him a very good man. Hope he won't be a second Pope

These pages have a lot of spacing and paragraphs were running into each other. I did my best to type out the document exactly as it was written. There was a table that was not able to be typed out so I placed '???DIAGRAM???' as you stated above in instructions.


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