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Thurs. July 30]

with me first. He looked for some time and then I glanced towards Father. That switched him to him. And after much looking he recognised who it was! More Fireworks. After coaching for a wee while, we wandered into the kitchen for tea. More crack & then we caught the 7.6 back to Newcastle. Trammed??? to the Hotel - getting there about 7.40 & then in to dinner.

We finished about 8.15 & I wrote to the Mater. Then we set out to find O. Sam. at Heaton. We thought of going by train wasn't one for a 1/4 hr but if we went up the road & turned to the left we should find a car to Heaton at the Drinkin Foonten???! We followed his insns & found the car after a bit, and by the conductors assistance

[Thurs. July 30

found Heaton Station opposite which is Uncle Sam's house. When A. May came to the door she couldn't recognise Father, so he had to tell her who he was. U. Sam was out, but says A. May "I'll think ah'll know where to find 'em"; so oft she went & soon he came in * with him a strong odour of peppermint! This passed after a time & was replaced by an odour of something else. We waited & talked until Maud came in c. 10.20. She recognised us almost at once. More suprise & more talk so that it was about 10.50 when we left. We went back by car as we had come & when we arrived at the Hotel found we we locked out. However after ringing 2 or 3 times we got in & made tracks for bed. (We had separate rooms.) They don't seem to make the tops of windows to open here!


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