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Wed. May 13.

treated to a showerbath and some showery language. I turned just in time to see Robinson's head appear above water. He scrambled into the punt & thence ashore while Cotton & I laughed for about 10 mins non-stop. My sides absolutely ached. Poor Robbie had been going for the bank pretty hard & in a desperate effort to get her head round right had got his pole too far out from the boat: result as above. Robbie made for home. I took the punt round the backwater & back to Folly -- without incident.

R. Dixon & I went up to tennis about 5.0 & finished about 7.20. Then from 8.0-10.0. Robbie & I went punting again. This time in safety.

Thur May 14

Nothing more exciting than tennis (Dixon & I singles) from 4-7. A bit too much of a good thing. Consequently I am pretty tired now. As Pullan has shifted my lekker from Mon. to Fri next week I am lectureless. As also there is a day trip to London I think prob. I shall avail myself of it & go home for the day! Wrote home to this effect tonight


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