Eric Middleton was a colourful character with a wide range of fascinating stories to tell.
He had been a chorister at Chapel Royal, Savoy, a merchant navy officer with Union Castle and with P&O, served in the Royal Navy during WW2 with both RNR and RNVR, wrote advertising copy for Harrods, ran a printing company, was Superintendent of the RNLI Depot, started the Ruislip Sailing Club and the Heron Association, wrote several books, and met or worked with a veritable Who's Who of famous people.
Pipe Line Under The Ocean, or sometimes Pipe Line Underwater Transport of Oil. This was part of the Overlord plan for the invasion of Europe during the Second World War. Eric was intimately involved in the planning stages as staff officer under Lord Louis Mountbatten in Combined Operations Headquarters.
Read more about Operation PLUTO
Contact: Andrew Findlay <>
Eric Middleton was my maternal grandfather.