Fort Clonque Highlights 2 December 2002

Looking in all directions from the top of the main battery: Jane, Brenda and Alan. The low island in the background is Burhou.
The causeway is covered at high tide. Even at this stage it is dangerous to cross: three people were swept off earlier in the year and it took two hours to rescue them.
Waves beating on the rocks around the base of the fort.
Union Flag flying above the German Casemate. This once housed a 90mm costal defence gun, but this week was Alan & Brenda's bedroom.
General view of the fort from #2 battery: officers' quarters on the left and soldiers' quarters in the foreground.
John, Jane, and Peter on top of the casemate are not aware of the window-cleaning going on below...
The view from inside the casemate, now with clean(er) windows.
Fort Clonque at dusk, seen from the access road near Fort Tourgis.
An appropriate bib for the occasion - it even stayed fairly clean for a while!
Triple snook.
Richard and Torr in marching order.
The Fort's allegiance did change from day to day....
Christmas Day brings forth a cherub.
Kate presented a memorable plate to Jane and Andrew - more of this later...
Presents and sherry: Beryl, Jane, John, Kate, Alan, Andrew, Torr, Richard. Photo by Brenda.
Keep drinking the sherry...
I remember a large rib of beef, but here there is only the cheese and port left.
nissed as a pewt
The plate explained - some of us had been here before, and Kate painted one of our meals into the Fort's logbook.
A musical end to the day: Brenda with flute.

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