LFF diary page book13 img_15806.jpg

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You were very lucky in finding Florrie??? Cateheside??? at Southport. I had forgotten she was up there??? I can imagine you had plenty to talk about.

I am very glad indeed that you saw Mrs. Hewlett. She arrives soon -- about Oct. 24th I think -- if the boat is on time. Daniel is quite disappointed that the "Burcha"??? is being left at home but he will be as pleased as Punch to have his wife out??? again.

I don't suppose you will have seen Mrs. Hewett yet. I am sure she will call or write sometime. You will understand why I like her when you see her --?? I am sure.

You ask about the Dog. The one you ask about died while I was in Cashmere. It was only a pup & the man I bought it from shouldn't have sent it away when he did as it was only just getting over Dectewf??? The journey was too much for it & it died in about 10 days The one I have now belonged to a R.F.A??? officer who was up at Khaustan??? was suddenly ordered ??? Pemice???, & of course he couldn't take "Nigger" with him. It is only a "Pie" but he is none the worse for that & makes a jolly good "Chavkida"???. He is as affectenate as can be. I am sure you would take to him and to "Snooker" Morhes??? despite you dislike of dogs & horses. They are as jealous of each other as two old wards too! I don't quite which I like the better. It probably seems strange to you that I should get fond of my old horse.


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