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what did you think of the Batter??? Mag? I should be glad if you will keep them. I doubt whether I on??? will be worried with more than 2 or 3 numbers as I hardly think it is quite the hype to appeal to the mer???. The first minute has sold well though.

I have sent home this week Mother a book of Beethoven's Sonatas which I don't want. Perhaps Fo. would like it. I think Lucy has got one already.

I was amused at your remarks about Lionel +lebell??? Father. About 2 or 3 days before your letter arrived I had a Lecture on the misquities??? of the Church Council in trying to abolest Pew Rents in War Time. Lionel thinks it unwise to drop ???pound_symbol??? 40 on tea in War Time! It was amusing in Ues??? to one night, someone I think it was Bartholemew said "I didn't know you lived in Marrow??? Fudlay???!" "Rather" chips in Lionel "his Father is one of the thorns in my flesh in the Church Council!" He is a dear old chap but I am afraid suist??? of us look up on him as a bit of an old woman and horribly wer??? - couscienties. If a thing is a bactatim??? order, it has to be done at all costs, according to him, whereas most officers exercise their discretion a little. For instance the P.O. orders a Compnay Point March on Fridays. "B" Coy.??? goes out in hot??we??? the weather. C+D Corp + the Machine Gunners stay in if its wet!

We have one or two C.E. all. S. members who are too go-ahead for him I think, but he does not force


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