LFF diary page book12 img_15690.jpg

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Scanned image of page book12 img_15690.jpg

to get to India as late in the year as June. The normal "trooping season" ends in March. It must have been rather trying for men not used to the heat of India to be taken slap across the hottest part almost at the hottest time of year but that I suppose one must put down to the war which upsets all the normal arrangements.

There were 136 cases ?? ??? ?? & 15 deaths. The ?????? are getting on alright.

I will get a copy of the cutting & send it home.

We have finished our Shika & have got no bear. We have had pots at ?????? but didn't succeed in hitting any. We have come to the conclusion that under excitement men don't shoot straight as we tried the rifles afterwards & found them not very inaccurate though that went dead true.

Sunday Now we are on our way back to Khauspur & work again. I shan't be altogether sorry to get back. Lamont says I have got Machine Gun Mania. That I eat drink sleep & talk nothing but guns! It is true that while on leave I have done a lot of work in looking through the many


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