LFF diary page book12 img_15630.jpg

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He is a Moustache Wallah of the D.V. Type. I am not struck with him. He was talking to me today about the times that would suit the men for H.C. Senecls and suggested Thursday Afternoons! There has been a good deal in the Church Times lately about the C. Dpt. at home but the I.C.D is worse. The R.C. people send men as paires. We don't seem to succeed in getting anything but round pegs for square holes. Another thing that is narhe??? the limit is that the only Church in the place is the R.C. The C of E has nothing at the Ghora Dhaka and a Room, rear??? + thiuk??? by the Soldiers + Sailors lustituli??? people, which is used for Concerts + C in the week + becomes a Church on Sundays!

B. played C this afternoon in the First ROund of the Football Cup. It was a very good match but despite to mens extra time each may resulted in a train with no score. Brooks. "C"'s Goalie was the gror??? performance + did some extraordinarly good work.

Sunday May. .7th

Orderly dog today. Went to the 8/0 o/C service which was over Easter Communion. (The R.C padre arrived in time for the flock to make rheirs??? on the Sunday after Easter).

The reuianter??? of rheday??? was chirfly??? linpo??? to + from barracks at the various Routine hours.


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