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Sunday April 9

orders last night were interesting.

"while the P.O.C. is much please at the progress made, he wishes the remind all ranks that ... time..had only permitted them to fringe?? on the subject"!

If we've only fringed then all I can say is that I've no great wish to meet the subject!

Church Parade this morning was ordered by the Battalion for 8.45 this morning but apparently they made a mistake as no Brigade markers?? were out by then. Consequently we had to wait a half an hour. The Service actually did begin at 9.30. It was rather a dreary business, the hymns were practically a band carest?? - the psalms were absolutely so as only hymns sheets? were provided. The Padre?? swigged?? straight through martnis??? No one, or not more that 75% could hear more than occasional word. I heard nothing of the lesson except ... mostly...it is good ????-...from which I guessed 'the lesson to be about the Transfiguraion.

At the end of the Service so called but which for many of the men was merely a question of standing in the sun for nearly an hour.

The rest of the day was unintersting.

Monday April 10

We were officially supposed to pack up this morning but the rain came down hard till about 11/0 Then the packing up process did begin. As we


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