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the inevitable (in this part of the country) rifles. one of them handed his Martini?? to Beach to have a look at. Beach opened the head?? and found to his and our surprise that it was ready loaded. The bullet (it was an ordinary service cartridge) had been 'dum-dumed" i.e. had had its nose flattened. I had a look at another one. They keep them beautifully. I suppose if ones life depends on it always it is worth looking after.

Our puncture mended we got a move on again with 22 miles to go and 40 minutes to do it in to catch the train. It was obviously hopeless but we moved some. We eventually got to Peshawa??? without further incident at 6.10 We drove straight to the Garage and suggested to the man that as we had missed our train owing to his rotten tyres, we should driven to Moshina?? free. He agreed (not quite so readily as this seems to imply)

While we were waiting for the troublesome syre to be changed we talked to a (Regular) R. & Q. man who was there. He has been at Peshawa?? some years & gave us the Comforting information that the Kohat?? side was causidi???more dangerous than the Khyon?? side because these chaps ar always potting at each other across the road. This is quite likely to stop a bullet. though they are not in the habit of potting t sahibs?? Also no one is allowed on the road after 5 0 p.m.??

As we were talking a fellow cane in to whom this chap called our attention. He said he was one of 3 brothers; officers sons?? by an Arab woman & this


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