LFF diary page book12 img_15575.jpg

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reconnoitre??? The next day leaving the baggage and camp under a guard sally forth make an attack.

Column orders will fix the time for the Adv. Ga. to start. An artificial "starting point" (say two flags) is very useful as representatives of battalions can wait their until they see from the troops passing and be??? published under guard??? that they should pass in about 3/4 hr. The rep. then returns to his C.O. heads on foot for??? one???kilo???. This system prevents men & animals standing still for a long time with kit & loads on.

It is sometimes possible to cut out some animals out of the 1st line. mensra??? co??? if in roster??? ground shovels will not be required. If moving along the corpse of a nves??? filled pakhalp??? will be unnecessary. Any animals so cut out from the 1st Line march at the head of the 2nd line. The unit would do this in its own responsibility. There must be strafe??? orders.

The Second line in this Division01st) marches in the following order

Blanks or Great Coats.

Rations and Cooking Gear

Field Hospital

Staff Baggage

Bagge of Troops in order of march

Regt. Reservs??? of Armor???

Ammunition and SUppllyColumn

It is a good thing to send an N.P.O. & 4 men with your Regt Res. of Ammun??? as it prevents it.


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