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the Advanced Guard. This must be taken into consideration when deciding when to halt for the night. Also it means that little more than 10 miles a day will be possible, unless more than one track is available. Strategical Consideration may sometimes render it necessary that risks be taken across?? ground covered, but it is risky.

Order of March?? Assuming that no resistance is expected, but that the usual attack on the baggage or the rearguard is possible.

It is necessary to guard the whole length of the column. This will be done by a system of Picquets. These Picquets will be posted by the Adv. on Guard and will remain out until the Rearguard passes. Protection by Moving flank guards will very rarely be possible.

The Roads may need repair. Consequently a propotion?? of technical troops must be included in the Adv. Gd. Artillery are most useful to assist picqueting troops

There need be no ambulance arrangements with the Adv. Gd. wounded bring left??? for the main body.

It may be estimated roughly that on an average Picquets will need 100 men per mile. This will allow for 2 picquets of 25 on ea. side of the road 800 yds apart.

The Strength of the Adv. Gd. will be about

1 Bactu?? Picqueting Troops

1/2 Bactu??? A. Gd. Covering Troops.

2 Mountain Guns. Sappers to liners???????


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