LFF diary page book11 img_15085.jpg

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Scanned image of page book11 img_15085.jpg

Friday March 3rd.

Struck out into new ground this morning Was able to do it without going for & it made an agreeable change.

An exciting football match in the aft. The sergeants lately had an inter company football league (sergeants only). The winners (B Coy)??? challenged the officers and tonight we played them. There was the dickens of a wind. I played "Back" of all places. Chiefly through the wind I had very little to do in the first half and we scored once. In the second half we played agst the wind and it made all the difference. Noad & I were kept very busy. However owing to Barr's??? saves they only scored twice & we resined??? beaten 2-1. Our team was

Capt. Bartholomew

2/Dr Noad. Pratt

2/Dr Sherwood Fisher

ddeVesian Williamson 2/Dr Mieville Sinirvell??? Dittle???


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