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the results were distinctly funny especially: -

C.S.M. Root as C.O. and Merrisin as Major vice versa the C.O. became Bandmaster and the Major the Sergt. Drummer. Higgins as Gymnastic Instr. and Beach as Cross (Armourer??? Sergt)Aslo seemed apt. Somerwell became officers Mess Srgt. and Lionel Hewlett Church Orderly. We found a job for everyone, but the rest - though they passed at the time were not good enough to be perpetuated.

Sunday Feb. 20

Church Parade was an hour earlier to-day for the convenience of My Lord Bishop of Lahore, who was thus enabled to preach at West Ridge at 10.0 and then go on to St. Mary's at 11.0 and give them the same sermon again there. It was a good sermon "Lest we forget". He talked of the Church Service as being good lest we forget 3 things To be sorry, to give thanks the key to be made of life. He gave us very good illustration "men often say to me 'what does religion matter?' well I have a boy at school in England 6,000 miles away. What would you think of I got excellent reports from his headmaster saying that he did very well in work and in games but if I never got a letter from him and heard that he didn't even take the


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