LFF diary page book11 img_15037.jpg

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I had to go to the S & T to see Browne about the Rations for the 2/4 Somersets on their arrival. Also at 12.30 there was a sale of 2 battery "casters" down there. As 25 snipers was not list for either of them., they were condemned to be shot. so at 2.30, I had to go along with the Battery Farrier Sergt to see those two and 3 others shot. It is ajob that would normally fall to a battery officer but as they are in camp of course it falls on the S.S.O. We took them up the mullah and shot them there. The Sergeant shot 3 and I shot 2. It was useful experience though not a very cheerful one. It may be handy if we ver do go on service as I might at any time have to shoot a badly wounded mule.

After that duty was over I cheered myself up by a few sets of Tennis. Quite enjoyed them. Had Tea with Jack Hewlett after them.

Saturday Jan. 8.

Had to go down to the station this morning (as S.S.O.) to meet the Somersets Advance Party. It consisted of an officer and six men. I rode down (and sent the syce??? along to bring the pony back) and came back in a Gori with the officer. He is a chap called Wills - quite a nice fellow - and I fancy, one of the Tobacco firm.

After escorting him back and feeding him I passed him over to the adjustant at 9.0 who took him round barracks with the C.O. on his inspection.


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