LFF diary page book11 img_15009.jpg

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100 rounds as well.

After an hour firing & belt filling we proceeded to mount guns in fantastic positions of the side of ridges & so

The morning work was much as usual.

Had a sleep in aft wrote notes after tea.

Saturday Dec 4

Carried the gun about this morning for an hour, trying to make the (supposed_ enemy believe we were infantry and not nasty horrid Maxim Gunners.

Then fired. Mitchell warned me off the gun we got. I've no complaints against the gun, but I should like to ?strangle? the man who filled the belt. Not a round was in more than 3/4 as far as it should be. Consequently 3's & 4's followed each other about every 3 rounds & the 50 secs did not take long slipping away. Pull followed me with the same belt & couldn't do any good either. Jove I did say things! However!

Wrote more in afternoon. Jamming it up tight but we don't get any surplus of spare time!

Notes in eve.

Sunday Dec 5

Spent the morning making up areas of notes.

Went out in the afternoon with the intention of finding Duchess Falls & having tea there. We had been told to go by way of "Rich York". We set out on


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