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178. Good Friday. {Apr. 2.}

Church parade 7.15. Back from that about 8.30.

Tupper up from Barrackpone??? today en rout to Pachmari for Musketry Course.

C.E.M.S work galore in prep. for admission service on Sunday.

At 4.0 we had a cricket match. Officers v Sgts. As a matter of fact it was Sgts + 3 men. It was a very good match. Doovey ??? who was Captaining the Offrs. declared at the 9th wicket for 88 so I did not bat. Getting the Sgts out was exciting. They had 9 to get and 6 wickets to fall but gradually it came down as we got them out for ducks and ones and we offered to make it a draw, as we could hardly see. However they elected to play on and we finally got them all out for 87!

179. [Fri. Apr. 2. 1915

Went to church again in the evening. Padre said it was the largest congregation he had known at a cantonment church on a Good Friday Eve! We had 94.

Sat. Apr. 3.

Had a J. D. Test at 6.0 this morning. Results weren't really bad. One of my men had a mean error of only 2 3/4% which is jolly good.

As this J. D. parade didn't finish till 7.0 we made the morning parade 9.30. Sgt. Majors parade was off. At 9.45 we went along to the Gym. Pvt. 1/3 on th Bayonet Fighting, 1/3 Gym and the other 1/3 we measured. We swopped twice so that every man had a turn at everything.

Played tennis with Beach in


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