LFF diary page book08 img_4580.jpg

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Thur Mar 4] from its indecent earnings. It is a square building and there are 3 carvings on each side. They are all representative of sexual intersource. In some cases they is only one man & one woman, in one there is two men & one woman, one man waiting for the other to finish. There is another of two women & one man, one of absolute rape???. The idea of these pictures is to frighten away the lightning who is thought by the Hindus to be a lady & who would not unnaturally be frigtened away by such things.

Then we paddled on again to the observatory???. There are several stone sundials & other astronomical machines, all awfully well set up, and probably very accurate.

Then on again arbe??? that??? where wooland??? first embarked, and so back in our gharry to the hotel and to Hazri??? for which we were quite ready as it was nearly 10.15 when we got back.

There is the same dlapidation in Bhares??? as there seems to be throughout native India. The inhabitants are of all types. On the whole they are slightly lighter than the Berbere. We saw several Mahraetas???, who are very nearly white.

Cows & bulls wander at liberty all over the streets and make themselves a blooming nuisance.

At 1..15 we sallied out again, this time into the heart of the city itself. We saw the Golden Temple -- so called from the golden overlaid top. We looked through a hole in the wall at the rlis??? going on within but of course could do no more. Then on through

Awesome description of the carvings!


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