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150 Sat. Dec. 5 It is extraordinary how used one gets to the natives. Perhaps our having had natives on board has had something to do with it. At any rate now one takes natives and native servants quite as a matter of course, just as one takes scouts and people in gowns in Oxford.

Sun. Dec. 6. Woken up at 5.45 a.m. by the voice of Somerveel "Come along - this is Moghol Geron??? where the men have Breakfast!" So we had to dress rather hurriedly and wander off to look after the men. We werein early. Since we have been on the E.I.R. we have kept better time. We have got a 0.6.0 Grods Engine in. I think we must have picked it up at Allahabad - which we struck at 11.0 last night and left at 7.35 this morning. We also turned there as the Branch from Subbulport??? runs in backwards. We pushed off from Moghal Gereri??? at 7.30 and jogged on to Buxar: we only travled at about 20 mph. ???DIAGRAM??? We stopped about 8.30 and pushed off to the restaurant Cen. for Brekker.

At 9.40 we got to Buxar. Then the men had hot dinner. We all disembarked into a field. Then there was a wash. That completed, mess orderlies fetched food. That was consumed: despite certain attacks on it by hawks. Weve went back into the train by 12.0 and were promptly shifted on to a siding to make way for a Fast Passenger.


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