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Fri Nov.27]

him that I had asked his Sgt to go down and also that I did no think there was any need for either of us to go. I then went down after and found about 2 men in bed. There were four card parties going on and several men lounging about. I addressed a few words to them appropriate to the occasion and in ?1/2? of and hr or less they were all tucked up. When I go above again I found that ?little? had been below and had made a ?tuddy? idiot of himself again. If he meets any opposition of any kind he seems to lose his self-control altogether somehow. Luckily some the Brecknock officers had seen him go down and - in Expectation of trouble- had followed and had Fri. Nov. 27] smoothed things out. I spent about 1 1/2 hours discussing the incident with Middx and Breck. people. The worst of it is ?Poor little? does everything from the best of motives, simply because he thinks it his duty. It is the unfortunate way he has of doing it that upsets things.

Sat Nov. 28 pp Sleepy, very sleepy all day. Monty gave a Lecture to the Company on the Indian Mutiny which was rather interesting though I could hardly keep my eyse open.

I woke up about 7.0 pm. it was gorgeous on deck to night. Warm with a nice breeze. We have not abandoned our short sleeve right yet!

The end of our journey draws


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