LFF diary page book06 img_4379.jpg

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Scanned image of page book06 img_4379.jpg

Tue. Aug 4 Place and large enough to take 3 or 4 of many cathedrals. The height of the arches starters???one ??? Then the amount of old stained glass. It is a most interesting place all over. We left the Cathedral about 2.15 and walked through some of the older streets to the Station. We had inteded going on by the 2.55 G.C. (Arr. Harrow 8.35) but just as we got to the station the 2.35 GN ran in (late.) So we went on by that. We were pulled up two of three times and once passed a trainload of troops. We got to Kings + about 6.40. Then we made tracks for the nearest Barber and had a shave and home by Met. Mater was very glad to see us back. I found a letter from the O.V.O.T.C. waiting for me. The adjt wants to know whether I am willing to take a commision in (a) Reg. Army (b) Spec. Res. or (c) "Jenner's???". I have decided to reply that I am willing to take a commision in the ??? subject to College and MTS Cay??? approval. (I don't want to love the schol.)

Gr Britain has issued air ??? to Germany. Either clear out of Belgium at once or we declare wat at midnight. As Belgium has had war declared upon her by Germany I think we shall be at war with Germany tomorrow.

The Army Reserve a J??? air mobilising.

Ther is a report that a camp is to be established in the Keraton??? Fields here. I don't know whether is is the time but it is an excellent Railway Centre and so is very likely.


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