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202 Tue Apr 14

to be able to ask you to the ceremony I forewarned you about some time ago. The other man .... cannot get away & so I am hoping that meanwhile you haven't made other arrangements for the great day........ I am requested to ask for the following hymns, should you be able ... to come and preside (i.e. at the organ Ed.)

"The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden" and "Love Divine".

I shall get the church choir boys.....

Mrs. Pullinger desires me to ask you to come here after the wedding where you will be able to renew your acquaintance with several MTS masters....

Yours very sincerely

D. Davies

I accepted the invitation to play & to the reception and so here I am at Bow just back from the show.

The service was at 1.30. Actually we started before time! The choir met the Bride and came up the aisle singing "The voice that breathed..." The service went very well. While they were in the vestry singing we sang another (a third) hymn. Soon after the end of this one they appeared at the vestry door and I began to thunder forth the


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