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Fri. Mar 20.]

of the company. That was done in the usual way with "For he's a jolly good fellow". - Rothschild Esqr Jun replied in suitable terms and after Auld Lang Syne and God save the King we departed to our waggonnettes again. We arrived at Camp tired but happy. There were some cheers just after Lights (were nominally) Out. Galpin in a neat speech suggested that we should give Fish??? & Slater some more cheers. "For they are jolly good fellows" was accordingly sung again. Then Capt Stratton was cheered and chaired. He responded to the calls for a speech with the story of the man who was sent to take an inventory of the effects of a house. In the dining room he came across a whiskey bottle. An hour later he was found on the floor. The paper by his side had on it the legend "One revolving carpet." Stratton applied it to his own case. A wit then announced "On the command 'Revolve' the whole will revolve once in a circle. Revolve!" Then he was allowed to retire.

Next Gill (who has charge of the wireless) came in for it. He made a speech sitting on one of


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