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Sun. Jan 4]

the reredo??? behind the altar, so that they are moving a very little bit.

We all (except Mrs B.) went to the 10.30 (Mattins). Smart of course preached. Did not think much of the sermon or yet of the one he preached in the evening.

Monday Jan 5.

We were first at the car again this morning, again after a rush. However fond lovers must be excused! We reached the Ice Palace before 10.30 and as Harry took me round two or three times I began to get the hang of things a bit better. I had an instructor from 12.0-12.30 and got on somewhat better though I do not quite think I could "go" alone yet.

Spent the aft reading. The book was "A man's man" by Ian Hay. An excellently written story of the life of an University man, though not a story of University life.

Another Whist Drive in the eve. At the Burns, next door but one to the Balls. Still I suppose I must not grumble because I carried off 1st prize. It was a similar thing to that which Mr Ball won on Friday.

We broke up about 1.30 a.m.


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